The 2nd step will be the main event in Aparecida, São Paulo, which will take place between July 19th and 21st, 2024. During this phase, young people will gather for three days for a great moment of exchange of experiences and cultural manifestations. The event will be streamed to over 120 countries, where thousands of young people will come together to spread the Genfest.

It will be a big festival of ideas, thoughts, and initiatives that will inspire thousands of young people from different cultures, ethnicities, and religions to live for a united world. All of this will be accompanied by music, choreographies, testimonies of experiences, best practices, and thematic paths.

It will be an opportunity to launch new projects and initiatives for the next 5 years. Genfest is also a cultural project that aims to raise awareness among as many young people as possible about the issues of interdependence, fair and sustainable development, and solidarity, in order to form a new generation within the cultural paradigm of fraternity and relationality. In this sense, the planned actions aim to bring about cultural changes, which means a new message and a critical perspective on central issues of the contemporary world, such as consumption-based lifestyles that are connected to global environmental problems and social justice.



FRIDAY | JULY 19th, 2024


10 am – ARRIVAL AND REGISTRATION – Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho de Almeida (reception)


3 pm – MOSAICO MUNDO (World Mosaic) – Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho de Almeida
EXPO GENFEST “Uma rede feita de nós” (“A network made by us”) – Auditorium Padre Noé Sotillo (Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida)
The exhibition will remain throughout Genfest 2024 and is open to the general public.


8 pm – JUNTOS PARA CELEBRAR (Together to celebrate) – Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho de Almeida
Latin America welcomes young people who arrive to Genfest 2024 with a momento to party and celebrate, when they will also share what they experienced in Phase 1.

SATURDAY | JULY 20th, 2024


8 am – ARRIVAL – Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho de Almeida
9 am – FROM GENFEST 2018 TO GENFEST 2024: Caminhos para um Mundo Unido (Pathways to a United World) – Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho de Almeida (live broadcast)
Pathways to a United World, experiences, artistic moments, connection with local Genfest, dialogue with Spark Changers
11:30 am – PATHWAYS TO THE UNITED WORLD EXPERIENCE – Basement rooms of Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida / External area and basement rooms of the Event Center
Walking the paths to a United World, reflecting, dreaming, experimenting, meeting protagonists, Spark Changers, thinking and building projects together


3 pm – Continuation of PATHWAYS TO THE UNITED WORLD EXPERIENCE - Basement rooms of Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida / External area and basement rooms of the Event Center
5 pm – EMBRACE HUMANITY SPARK CHANGE – Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho de Almeida (live broadcast)
Focus on social commitment and art; experiences; artistic moments; connection with local Genfests; dialog with Spark Changers


8 pm – GEN VERDE CONCERT with participants of Genfest 2024
Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho de Almeida

SUNDAY | JULY 21st, 2024


8 am – ARRIVAL – Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho de Almeida
9 am – JUNTOS PARA CONECTAR (Together to Connect) – Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho de Almeida (live broadcast)
United Word Communities launch; Ecumenical and interreligious moment for peace.
11 h – JUNTOS PELA PAZ (Together for peace) – Corridor to Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida (Final Genfest 2024 Picture at the Benedict XVI tribune)
Interaction with pilgrims of Aparecida, inviting them to build peace
12 h – CELEBRATION OF HOLY MASS – Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida (live broadcast)


15 h –GEN VERDE CONCERT (open to public) – Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho Almeida
17 h – PHASE 3 OPENING – Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho de Almeida


20 h – CANTO PELA PAZ (Singing for Peace) – Event Center Padre Vitor Coelho de Almeida
International and interreligious peace singing competition with Living Peace International

What’s included in your registration?

Participation in the 2nd phase of Genfest regarding the three days of the schedule includes:

  • Participation fee.


Exchange of experiences and cultural events from the 19th to the 21st of July in Aparecida (SP), Brazil. The event will be live streamed in more than 120 countries where hundreds of thousands of young people will gather to celebrate Genfest locally.



The program will take place from the 19th to the 21st of July, at the Event Center inside the Aparecida Shrine Complex. To participate in the beginning of the program, participants are advised to arrive in the city of Aparecida on the morning of July 19th, 2024. The program concludes on the 21st with lunch.